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Exceptional Heater System Installation in Houma, LA

There are a wide array of options for residential heating systems under many reputable brands. While choosing the best heating system, there are several factors that you must take into account, making the selection of a new heater for your home extremely difficult.

Let  A&G Refrigeration help you decide the heating system that will best suit your space. We provide professional heater system installation in Houma, LA and the surrounding areas.

Choosing the Right Heating System For Your Home


Selecting the right heating system can be overwhelming. But by knowing the things to consider, the selection process can be a hassle-free experience.

That’s why in this post, we’ll discuss the various types of heating systems and a few helpful tips to help you find the best one for your home. Read on!

Common Kinds of Residential Heating Systems


There are several kinds of heating systems in today’s market. However, the most common of them all are the furnaces, heat pumps, and boilers.

  • Furnaces – furnaces can run on gas, propane or oil, and electricity, all of which fall under three categories:

1) Base model, which runs with minimum efficiency and operates well with more moderate environments.

2) Mid-efficiency is somewhat better than the base model and has more efficient heat exchangers.

3) High efficiency utilizes a secondary heat exchanger and is the most cost-effective option in areas that experience extreme climates or bigger properties.

  • Heat pumps work the same operations and proceeding as air conditioning units, but they reverse the circulation to produce hot air instead of cool.
  • Boilers heat water to provide either hot water or steam for heating. Steam is circulated through pipes to steam radiators. At the same time, the hot water is distributed through radiant floor systems while hot air is through a coil.

Choosing the Best Heating System


Here are the things you need to consider before finalizing a heating system for your home:

  • Fuel Source. Are you going to use fuel or energy? Identify which type of fuel source is more accessible and ideal for your home. Some of the common options are natural gas, propane, fuel oil, and electricity.
  • Circulation System. Make sure to consider its circulation system. Normally, air systems use air ducts and registers, while hydronic systems usually use baseboard radiators.
  • Efficiency. Select the best-suited system efficiency level for your space. High-efficiency levels mean lower operating costs.
  • Overall Cost. Make sure also to consider the cost of operation and maintenance needs of your selected system.

Are You Looking For Quality Heater System Installation in Houma, LA? Call A&G Refrigeration Today!

All in all, it will depend on what type of heating system you want to choose that will best suit your needs and your home’s preferences. As your trusted heater system installation in Houma, LA, we suggest you choose a heating system that is energy efficient, safe, easy to handle and cost-effective for you.

A&G Refrigeration, Inc. specializes in various HVAC services. Call us at 985-446-6256 or visit us online to learn more about us.


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